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Matt Wallaert
Matt Wallaert
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Campaign Manager Amazon



Posted on Monday, February 5, 2024

Campaign Manager at Initiative

Are you the one who likes to keep the train moving, knows how to motivate a team, a master at carefully guiding processes and makes it a sport to keep clients satisfied? Then we are looking for you at Initiative. We are an agency-in-a-flow; We have a driven team of people and are proud of the diverse package of advertisers we can work for.

Initiative believes that growth for our clients starts with knowledge of the culture. Because culture always wins over demography. The best brands and campaigns are part of culture. At Initiative we know the culture.

We know what moves people, what drives them, what concerns them and how you can reach them. We know what their ideas are, their habits and why they behave the way they do. Thanks to our data, our unique research and especially our people, we are continuously in contact with the culture and find relevant insights with which an organization or brand can connect with its target group(s).

Position Summary

Initiative is part of IPG Mediabrands, a division of the Interpublic Group. We work with many colleagues from our sister companies, including Kinesso, Magna and Yune, intensively together. The design of the Initiative organization is based on so-called “Crafts” – Client Advice & Management, Strategy, Communications Design, Business Consultancy and Content & Partnerships.

We are looking for someone in the Client Advice & Management craft.

Client Advice & Management (CAM) is responsible for creating and maintaining good client relationships and for the daily execution of campaigns. CAM understands customer needs and objectives like no other.

Within CAM, everyone knows how to manifest themselves as a trusted partner of the client. CAM makes it a sport to grow the relationship with customers while keeping an eye on turnover and profitability. CAM therefore functions both as a business partner for the client and as an internal director of the client team.

Key Responsibilities

As a Campaign Manager, you are responsible for your own group of clients, often together with a Client Director. Within your role you ensure that everything runs smoothly for your clien and the internal team. You work intensively internally with other Campaign managers, Strategy, Communications Design, (media) specialists and the (Financial) administration.

Your external relations naturally consist of our contact persons at the clients and often also their creative agencies.

The Campaign Manager always has the complete overview and is in control of implementation. You are often the first point of contact for client questions. You draw up budgets and procurations, take care of back planning and have a good eye on the timings.

You also provide insight by preparing (financial) reports regarding hours, capacity, media turnover and profitability. You plan and organize internal and external meetings. You ensure that specialists can book campaigns in our systems and that templates are ready to provide scenarios and advice.

The Campaign Manager is a (media) all-rounder who always keeps his finger on the pulse and effortlessly manages campaigns from A to Z.

Desired Skills & Experience

  • You have at least an MBO or HBO education
  • You have a passion for serving customers with a multidisciplinary team
  • You are a team player
  • You are able to build and maintain strong professional relationships with clients and colleagues
  • You are curious and show initiative
  • You survive the challenge of managing multiple projects and deadlines at the same time. In other words: you are very resistant to stress
  • You are results-oriented, accurate and analytical
  • You have strong communication skills
Mediabrands is de wereldwijde mediaholding waar alle mediabedrijven van Interpublic Group (NYSE:IPG) onder vallen. Het bedrijf heeft wereldwijd meer dan 13.000 marketingexperts in dienst in meer dan 130 landen. Diversiteit en inclusiviteit is daarbij prioriteit. Wij adviseren onze klanten hoe ze media en content op de best mogelijke manier kunnen gebruiken om hen te helpen hun marketing- en communicatiedoelstellingen te bereiken. In Nederland zijn dat full service media en consultancybureaus Initiative en UM, het digital marketingmerk Reprise en het full service social en contentmarketingbureau YUNE. Specialistische labels in Nederland zijn MAGNA (buying en planning), Matterkind (addressable specialisten), Orion (trading & capital), Rapport (OOH-specialisten), Mediabrands Marketing Sciences (data-, onderzoek- en tech specialisten) en ten slotte ontwikkelt bGenius marketingtechnologie. Onze kantoren staan in Amsterdam en Groningen. Mediabrands heeft ‘CHALLENGEN’ in hun DNA zitten. We zijn een bedrijf van Challengers. We zijn niet de grootste, maar we zijn er voor merken en marketeers die verrast, uitgedaagd en geprikkeld willen worden om zodoende niet stil te komen staan. Daarnaast hebben de Mediabrands labels ‘SAMEN’ in hun DNA zitten. Wij zijn één familie, wij vormen één huis. Wij geloven in het feit dat we samen groter en krachtiger zijn en over meer kennis beschikken. Wij zijn ‘The House of Challengers!’